Advantages and Outcomes

June 18, 2021

Answering Your Questions on the CNC Process

cnc machining with manufacturing machines

CNC Machining is the basis of thousands of manufacturing parts today. At its core, CNC machining is used to create parts and components for almost every industry and application. But what exactly is CNC manufacturing, and why is it so important in today’s technological society?

1. What Is CNC Machining?

CNC machining, or Computer Numerical Control, is a manufacturing process that uses computerized controls to handle the entire machining process from start to finish. It uses pre-programmed software which controls the movement of factory tools and machinery.

Technicians program the cuts into the CNC software. This software then dictates to the machine how to cut out or carry out the task requested from the software. In this way, it is similar to robotic processes. The software can be updated to change the process as needed. Its fully automated process makes it an efficient solution for your machining needs.

With this said, there are various levels of machines that make different parts. The objective of using this type of machining is to produce precise parts with lasting results. 

2. What are the Benefits of CNC Machining?

There are several benefits to the CNC process. One of the most important advantages is that numerous parts can be created from a single workpiece. This makes the process simplified and easy to track. Other benefits include the following:

  1. Improved Accuracy
  2. Cost Efficiency
  3. High Production & Reliability
  4. More Versatility & Less Labor
  5. Produce parts of virtually any shape
  6. Smooth finishes
  7. Fair and competitive pricing
  8. On-time delivery

3. What Products Can CNC Machining Make?

The amount of work that manufacturers can do with CNC machines is abundant. In fact, this technology is taking over where humans used to do the work. This is one of the reasons why CNC machining can make numerous types of products with such efficiency and less cost. The products serve a variety of industries, including aerospace, railroad, military & defense, agriculture, medical, oil & gas, and transportation. More specifically, these manufacturing processes can produce products such as vehicle parts, marine and boat parts, aircraft interiors, electronic components, pipes, railings, and various consumer goods.

4. What Types of Machines Are Used?

There are countless types of CNC machines out there. Because these machines are tools that require material to be programmed and controlled, the cutting process varies.  Additionally, manufacturers of today can automate almost any process and raw material as long as they have the right resources. Here are a few CNC machines that LeClaire uses:

  1. Milling
  2. Turning
  3. Broaching

cnc machining component

Connect With LeClaire

LeClaire Manufacturing is a provider of CNC milling, lathing, and broaching capabilities. We are a single-source supplier for all of your casting and precision machining needs. We carefully monitor our process for quality control along with troubleshooting capacities.  Please request a quote today. 

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